| 1. | Crews are bringing in heavy equipment to remove debris as investigators figure out why the refinery exploded 救援人员运用大型设备清除残骸,与此同时,调查人员也在寻找爆炸原因。 |
| 2. | The final group of 45 workers brought out through an auxiliary shaft normally used to remove debris arrived at the surface shortly before 9 p . m . , walking out caked in dust but otherwise healthy a day and a half after the accident 在晚上9点前,最后45名工人用装碎料的电梯到达地面,身上都是灰尘,幸而在事故的一天半之后都还健康。 |
| 3. | The final group of 45 workers brought out through an auxiliary shaft normally used to remove debris arrived at the surface shortly before 9 p . m . , walking out caked in dust but otherwise healthy a day and a half after the accident 最后一组的45名工人,在事故的一天半之的晚上9点前,带出了一个副井通常用来清除碎片的回到地面,安好的从废墟中走出。 |
| 4. | The final group of 45 workers brought out through an auxiliary shaft normally used to remove debris arrived at the surface shortly before 9 p . m . , walking out caked in dust but otherwise healthy a day and a half after the accident 最后一批45名矿工穿过一个通常用于清除碎片的辅助动轴在晚上九点前成功升井,他们已经是满身尘土,被困1天半后却依然安然无恙。 |
| 5. | The final group of 45 workers brought out through an auxiliary shaft normally used to remove debris arrived at the surface shortly before 9 p . m . , walking out caked in dust but otherwise healthy a day and a half after the accident 最后通过用于运送废渣的缆绳而于周四9点前被救出来的45名矿工,虽然满身尘土,但是已经在事故发生生的一天半内被宣布身体已无大碍 |
| 6. | The final group of 45 workers brought out through an auxiliary shaft normally used to remove debris arrived at the surface shortly before 9 p . m . , walking out caked in dust but otherwise healthy a day and a half after the accident 最后一批获救的45名矿工在近晚上九点时从通常用于移出碎片的副轴中营救出来,他们满身灰垢,但在被困一天半之后健康状况仍良好。 |
| 7. | The final group of 45 workers brought out through an auxiliary shaft normally used to remove debris arrived at the surface shortly before 9 p . m . , walking out caked in dust but otherwise healthy a day and a half after the accident 晚上九点前不久,用来处理碎片的备用救生梯将最后45名矿工带到地面,事故发生一天半后,他们身上沾满泥块走出来,但健康状况良好。 |
| 8. | The final group of 45 workers brought out through an auxiliary shaft normally used to remove debris arrived at the surface shortly before 9 p . m . , walking out caked in dust but otherwise healthy a day and a half after the accident 最后的45名工人于晚上9点前通过平时用来运输碎屑到表层的后备轴被救出.在一天半的事故中,每个人都铺满灰尘,但是值得庆幸的是都很安全 |
| 9. | The final group of 45 workers brought out through an auxiliary shaft normally used to remove debris arrived at the surface shortly before 9 p . m . , walking out caked in dust but otherwise healthy a day and a half after the accident 最后的一组45个工人在早上9点之前移开地面上的碎片通过一个辅助的管子才走出来,虽然他们身上的泥土都结了块但在事故经过一天半后他们仍然很健康。 |
| 10. | The final group of 45 workers brought out through an auxiliary shaft normally used to remove debris arrived at the surface shortly before 9 p . m . , walking out caked in dust but otherwise healthy a day and a half after the accident 最后的45个工人通过移开一条辅助通道里的碎片才于早上9点以前到达了地面,在这场事故发生超过一天半以后,尽管出来的时候他们尘土飞扬但是仍很健康。 |